Staff & Personnel In Music

Staff & Personnel In Music
Department Overview

Olaleye, Olufemi Akanji Ph.D

Principal Lecturer

NCE (Music DM), BA, MA (Music), Ph.D. (Music)


Principal Lecturer|NCE (Music DM), BA, MA (Music), Ph.D. (Music)






National Diploma & Higher National Diploma

Research Interest

Theory of Music Ethnomusicology

Teaching Areas

Theory of Music,
 Double bass performance, 
Nigerian music, 
Acoustics of Music, 
Computer music,
 Musical instrument technology,
 African Music. 

Selected Publications

1. Olaleye, O.A (2023). ‘The Musical Foraging Narratives of Yoruba Hunters’, in Network of Canadian Histories of Environmental Foraging Series; edited by Nicole Miller.

2. Olaleye, O.A. (2023). Oil Infrastructure and Mobility: Musical Narratives of Oil Exploration And Profit Manoeuvring, In Post-Colonial Nigeria 1989-2022, GAPS, Association of Anglophone Postcolonial Studies, University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany. (Forthcoming)

3. Olaleye.O.A. (2023). Musical Narratives of Yoruba Indigenous Food, Transformations, and Human Health Sustainability, In Journal of the Association of Nigerian Musicologists,, eISSN: 1597-0590, Vol. 17 No. 1, 83-103

4. Olaleye, O.A. (2022). Re-Imagining Music Performances in Whatsapp Media: Online Activism and New Electioneering Movements in South-western Nigeria: 2021 – 2022, in the Journal of Nigerian Music Education, , Vol. 14, 194-213

5. Olaleye, O.A. (2022). Sociological Background and Emotional Experiences in Selected Yoruba Traditional Musical Forms, In Journal of the Association of Nigerian Musicologists,, Volume 16, No.1, 89-104

6. Olaleye, O.A and Ogunmola F.I (2017): Emerging Issues in Morality and Music Education in Nigeria. In Coeasu Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, Academic Staff Union, Federal College of Education Chapter, Volume 5, No 1, Pages 196-206.

7. Olaleye, O.A. and Odunuga, A.F (2017): Methodology of Research in Music Education and National Development ”. In ondo Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, Adeyemi College of Education, Ondo, Ondo State. Volume XVII Number 1, Pages 55-72.    

8. Odunuga, A.F, and Olaleye, O.A. (2017): An Assessment of Interest and Motivation as Correlate of Music Students Academic Achievement”. In the Journal of Teacher Education, Adeyemi College of Education, Ondo, Ondo State, Vol. 17, No. 1, pages 119-139. 
9. Olaleye, O.A (2016): Indigenous Music Theory in Yoruba Culture: The Heinrich Schenker’s Approach In Journal of the Association of Nigerian Musicologists, %  The Editor-in-Chief, Department of Music, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State,  No 10, 2016, Pages 289-299.

10. Olaleye, O.A (2016): Analytical Probing of Ordered Music for the Promotion of Global Peace, Security and the Ordered World. In Nigerian Music Review, Department of Music, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria (No.14 Edition) September 2016, Pages 1-18. 

11. Olaleye, O.A (2015): Music as a Tool for the Promotion of Global Peace, Security and the Ordered World. In Ibadan Journal of Humanistic Studies, Faculty of Arts University of Ibadan, Volume 25, 2015, Pages 27-40.         

12. Olaleye, O.A, and Ademuyiwa, A. (2014): Contribution of John Aina to Gospel Music in Nigeria: Apostolic Faith Experience, in Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, Federal College of Education, Abeokuta, Vol. 7 Page 12-23.

13. Olaleye, O.A (2014): Yoruba Instrumental Rhythmic Patterns as a Theatrical Tool for Cultural Communication, Chapter in Book: The Dynamic Arts of The Theatre, Abeokuta, Federal College of Education, 26-36. ISBN: 978-978-862-246-2

14. Olaleye, O.A (2013): Nigerian Music Curriculum: Contents and Social Conflicts” in Journal of Nigerian Music Education, % Department of Music, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State. Nos. 4/5, pp.69-78.

15. Kehinde, D. and Olaleye, O.A (2013): Music Education within the Context of Universal Basic Education Programme in Nigeria”, in Journal of Nigerian Music Education, % Department of Music, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State. Nos. 4/5, pp. 16-21 

16. Olaleye, O.A (2009): Musicological Analysis of the Yoruba Egungun Music Towards its Repositioning for Globalization. In Journal of the Association of Nigerian Musicologists, %  The Editor Department of Music, Delta State University, Abraca, Delta State,  No 3, pp.162-175.

17. Olaleye, O.A (2009): Re-Direction of Research in African Music: A Case For Music    Educational Reform, in Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, % Federal College of Education,    Abeokuta, Ogun State, Vol.6, pp.8-16

18. Odunuga, A.F, and Olaleye, O.A. (2008): Music Literacy from African Perspective: A Missing Link in NCE Music Curriculum”. In Ilorin Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, % Kwara State College of Education, Ilorin, Kwara State, Vol.5, No. 1, pp.185-194

Conferences Attended

1. Olaleye, O.A (2023): Sounding Politics, Religions, and Enslavement of Cultural Oath of Office Systems in Southwest Nigeria: 2015-2022. A paper presented at International Conference, Afterlives of Slavery, at the Howard Divinity School, National Museum of African American History & Culture, Washington D.C, with the Theme “The Troubles I’ve Seen:  Religious Dimensions of Slavery & Its Afterlives”  October 19 (Thursday) – 21 (Saturday) 2023

2. Olaleye, O.A (2023): Oil Infrastructure and Mobility: Musical Narratives of Oil Exploration and Profit Manoeuvring in Postcolonial Nigeria 1989-2022. A Paper Presented at the GAPS Conference, Association of Anglophone Postcolonial Studies, at the University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany. Held on 17th to 20th, May 2013.

3. Olaleye, O.A (2023): Musicologising Ecology and Environmental sustainability in South-western Nigeria. A Paper Presented at the 7th Annual Lagos Studies Association Conference, at the University of Lagos, June 20-24, 2023

4. Olaleye, O.A (2023): Rethinking Indigenous Musical Drum Technology for a Sustainable Economic Recovery In South Western Nigeria. A Paper Presented at the 4th International Conference, Takoradi Technical University, Ghana, September, 4-8, 2023

5. Harvard Radcliffe Institute (2023). Online Radcliffe Fellows Seminar Presentation, ‘Resounding with the Universe: The Embodiment of Entropy in My Music’ Youtube link: 

6. Harvard Radcliffe Institute (2023). Online Radcliffe Fellows Seminar Presentation, ‘When   Wound Travels: Chronicles of War Biology East of Mediterranean’ YouTub link:

7. Harvard Radcliffe Institute (2023). Online Radcliffe Fellows Seminar, ‘Wiring Gaia in the Anthropocene: Smart Earth Digital Technologies and Environmental Futures’ YouTube link:  

8. Third Biennial International Conference, Faculty of Arts, University of Ibadan,   on March, 14th -18th, 2017. Paper Read: Music Performance Arts and the Burden of Protection in the Nigerian Society 

9. The 1st Conference of the Town and Gown Theatre Practitioners on Repositioning the Theatre for the Future: Held at the Theatre Arts Department, Federal College of Education, Abeokuta, Ogun State, on the 21st January, 2017.
Paper Read: Music Theatre as a Form of Mixed Media.

10. National Conference of Academic Staff Union, Federal College of Education, Abeokuta,  Ogun State, Between 13th – 17th, February 2017.
Paper Read: Qualities and Competencies of Professional Music Teachers.

11. The 13th Annual National Conference of Music Educators in Nigeria (COMEN) was held at Cross River State College of Education, Akampa, between 9th- 12th, May 2016.
Paper Read: Critique of Emerging Cultural and Creative Arts Curriculum Implementation in Nigerian Music Education.

12. The 13th Annual National Conference of Music Educators in Nigeria (COMEN) held at Cross River State of College of Education, Akampa, between 9th- 12th, May, 2016.
Paper Read: Emerging Issues of Some Music Educators Transitions and The Need to Document Their Biographies.   .

13. 14th National Conference of the Association of Nigerian Musicologists, held at the University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos, Nigeria, August, 15-19, 2016.
Paper Read: Social Cultural Reflections on Propaganda in Ayinla Omowuras Musical Genres. 

14. Bi-ennial International Religious Studies Conference of the Religious Studies Department, Faculty of Arts, University of Ibadan, between 9th to12th August, 2015.
Paper Read: Yoruba Traditional Music as a Chariot of Fire of Religious Sacrifices.

15. Second Biennial International Conference, Faculty of Arts, University of Ibadan,   on May, 22nd -24th, 2017  
Paper Read: Twenty First Century Musical Genre: A Reflection of Musicologists Discontent 

16. 13th National Conference of the Association of Nigerian Musicologists, held at the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife, Nigeria, August, 17-21, 2015.
Paper Read: Music and Health: Illustration and Implications.

17. 12th National Conference of the Association of Nigerian Musicologists, held at the Department of Music, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria, on August, 17-22, 2014. 
Paper Read: Creativity and Industry: Life and Musical Contributions of Reverend Abraham Taiwo Olajide Olude.

18. National Conference of the Academic Staff Union (COEASU) held at the Federal College of Education, Abeokuta, Ogun State, between 31th March-4th April, 2014.
Paper Read: Impacts of Modernism in Contemporary Nigerian Gospel Music. 

19. School of Education, Federal College of Education, Abeokuta, Biennial Conference, on the 10th – 14th February, 2014.
Paper Read: Popular Music Education as a Driving Force of Social Transformation: Fela Anikulapo as a Focus.  
20. The 11th Annual National Conference of Music Educators in Nigeria (COMEN) held at Alvan-Ikoku College of Education, Oweri, Imo State, between 7th- 10th, April, 2014.

21. Paper Read: Musicological Indigenous Knowledge System of Ekutu, Agogo, Sekere, and Bata Instrumental Resource.
9th National Conference of Academic Staff Union (COEASU) Held at the Federal College of Education, Abeokuta, Ogun State, between 31th March-4th April, 2014.

Paper Read: Creativity: A Tool For Academic Excellence.  

22. 10th Annual National Conference of Music Educators in Nigeria (COMEN) Held at the College of Education, Ikere-Ekiti, between 8th – 12th, April, 2013.
Paper Read:  Heavy Sound in Social Gathering and Their Implications on Human Eardrum Anatomy

23. 9th National Conference School of Education on Issues in National Transformation, held at the Federal College of Education of Education, Abeokuta, 21st-25th May, 2012. 
Paper Read: Yoruba Traditional Music as an Agent of National Transformation.

24. 11th National Annual Conference of the Association of Nigerian Musicologists (ANIM),    held at the Department of Music, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, between 13th – 18th August, 2012. 
Paper Read: The Performance Contexts of Yoruba Traditional Musical Forms.  

25. 7th National Conference of the Association of Nigerian Musicologists (ANIM), at Delta State University, Abraca, Delta State. 19th-22nd September, 2007. 
Paper Read: Musicological Analysis of Yoruba Cultural Music Vis-A-Vis its Repositioning for Globalization.

26. National Conference of the School of Arts and Social Sciences, Federal College of Education, Abeokuta, between 5th – 9th December, 2005. 
Paper Read: HIV/AIDS and Nation Building: A Musicology Perspective.

Summary of Profile

Research on African Musicological Studies and Theories of Yoruba Traditional Music: the study investigates the social contexts and their influences on the development of Yoruba musical forms and performances. Musicology is the science of the nitty-gritty or the nucleus of song hence it adoption in the study of Traditional Yoruba music. Therefore, the following areas are the focus of my current researches:

  1. Musicology of Yoruba Music Theory
  2. Forms of Yoruba Music
  3. Systematization of Yoruba Musical Scales                       





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